UTMB OB Anesthesiology Fellowship

Galveston, Texas 

ACGME Accredited




As a tertiary care center, UTMB provides care to more than 5000 high risk parturients.

Relaxed work and easy island lifestyle

OB Anesthesia:




4 OB anesthesiology fellowship trained faculty.

Additional support from other anesthesiology faculty

10 MFM fellowship trained faculty


OB Facility:


Newly renovated L&D Unit with new ORs ($135 Million Project)


Additional Info:






Protected Research Time

Neonatal and MFM Rotations

Education Fund and Moonlighting

OPUS friendly (OB Anesthesia Perioperative US)





Accepting Applications for 2019-2020 Fellow Position

Interested Applicants Contact:

Meredith Hamilton
